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How to read your diagnostic report?

Knowing where you fell short can improve your chances of passing FE Exam in the next attempt.

After you attempt the FE exam, you get a marksheet which is very essential to understand. In an unfortunate event, if you fail the FE Exam, you need to precisely know how did you perform in individual subject. Knowing this can fine tune your study strategies and improve your chances of passing the exam in the next attempt.

Attached is a sample but real FE-Diagnostic report. This student is from Civil Engineering discipline and did not pass the FE Exam. We will see how to read this diagnostic report step-by step.

Being a Civil engineering student, it lists all 14 Civil engineering subjects, with individual no. of questions asked in the exam. If you have FE Reference handbook, we recommend you to visit the last few pages to understand how many questions will be asked for each subject. The number is not fixed, rather the range is fixed.

The dotted vertical line represents minimum proficiency achieved in individual subject by an average passing student. Ideally speaking all your histograms should be crossing this dotted line. Even if you are behind this line, for a subject, by a small margin, then performance in some other subject should compensate for it. If you have multiple subjects behind this line, then passing gets difficult, even if you perform well in a subject or two.